Lucida Sans Unicode Font Download Mac
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- Lucida Sans Unicode Font Download Mac Free
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When using all capitals, you can use small amounts of additional letter spacing. At larger sizes, space capitals more tightly. Complementary fonts include Lucida Bright, Lucida Arrows, and Lucida Stars. Lucida Fax at smaller sizes and lower resolutions. The ampersands, interrobangs, and circled Lucida Sans numerals in Lucida Icons combine well. Mar 10, 2020 Download Lucida Sans font for PC/Mac for free, take a test-drive and see the entire character set. Moreover, you can embed it to your website with @font-face support. See full list on Download lucida sans unicode font with regular style. Download free fonts for Mac, Windows and Linux. All fonts are in TrueType format. is a great collection of free fonts. Dec 12, 2019 I upgraded to MicroOffice Home and Business 2019 when I got my new computer this yearl, but I only have the Lucida Console and Lucida Sans Unicode fonts. I have used Lucida Calligraphy on quite a few docs created over the years. Thank you for contacting me on this.
- Weight: Regular
- lsansuni.ttf
- Version: Version Version 2.00
- No. of Characters:: 1776
- Encoding Scheme: 4
- Is Fixed Pitch: No
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Lucida Sans Unicode
Characteristics: Large x-height, making it readable at all sizes.
Uses: Wide range of uses including directories, tables, forms, memos, telefaxes, manuals, heads, titles, posters, and displays.
Guidelines: At larger sizes (14 points or more), subtracting a few units of letter spacing gives a tighter look. When using all capitals, you can use small amounts of additional letter spacing. At larger sizes, space capitals more tightly. Complementary fonts include Lucida Bright, Lucida Arrows, and Lucida Stars. Lucida Fax at smaller sizes and lower resolutions. The ampersands, interrobangs, and circled Lucida Sans numerals in Lucida Icons combine well.
File name | L_10646.ttf |
Styles & Weights | Lucida Sans Unicode |
Designers | n/a |
Copyright | Copyright © 1993 Bigelow & Holmes Inc. All rights reserved. Pat. Des. 289,420. Pats. Pend. |
Font vendor | Bigelow & Holmes |
Script Tags | dlng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Hebr', 'Latn' slng:'Cyrl', 'Grek', 'Hebr', 'Latn' |
Code pages | 1252 Latin 1 1250 Latin 2: Eastern Europe 1251 Cyrillic 1253 Greek 1254 Turkish 1255 Hebrew 1257 Windows Baltic Mac Roman Macintosh Character Set (US Roman) 869 IBM Greek 866 MS-DOS Russian 865 MS-DOS Nordic 863 MS-DOS Canadian French 862 Hebrew 861 MS-DOS Icelandic 860 MS-DOS Portuguese 857 IBM Turkish 855 IBM Cyrillic; primarily Russian 852 Latin 2 737 Greek; former 437 G 850 WE/Latin 1 437 US |
Fixed pitch | False |
Licensing and redistribution info
- Font redistribution FAQ for Windows
- License Microsoft fonts for enterprises, web developers, for hardware & software redistribution or server installations
Products that supply this font
Product name | Font version |
Windows 10 | See the Windows 10 page. |
Windows 8.1 | See the Windows 8.1 page. |
Windows 8 | See the Windows 8 page. |
Windows 7 | See the Windows 7 page. |
Windows Vista | 5.00 |
Windows XP | 2.00 |
Windows 2000 | 2.00 |
Windows 98 | 0.98 |
Windows Server 2008 | 5.00 |
Windows Server 2003 | 2.00 |
Free Lucida Fonts
This typeface is also available within Office applications. For more information visit this page.