Use VBA add-ins and macros that you developed for Office for Windows with Office for Mac. Applies to: Excel for Mac PowerPoint for Mac Word for Mac Office 2016 for Mac. If you are authoring Macros for Office for Mac, you can use most of the same objects that are available in VBA for Office. For information about VBA for Excel, PowerPoint. Microsoft excel 2011 free download - Microsoft Office 2011, Solver for Excel 2011, Microsoft Excel, and many more programs.

Visual Basic Commands In Excel

This Excel tutorial explains the Project Explorer within the VBA environment in Excel 2011 for Mac (with screenshots and step-by-step instructions).

See solution in other versions of Excel:

Access Visual Basic In Excel

Project Explorer


The Visual Basic editor displays your VBA environment in Excel 2011:

Next, let's take a few moments to analyze the various sections in the Visual Basic editor.

In Excel 2011 for Mac, the Project Explorer is a window that can be accessed from the Visual Basic editor. It is a hierarchical listing of the objects recognized by VBA.

/keep-vid-pro-download-for-mac.html. In this example, there are four Excel objects which represent each sheet and workbook in your Excel file - Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, and ThisWorkbook.

There is also one module called Module1. The VBA code in Module1 can used anywhere in your spreadsheet. Whereas, the code within an Excel object is typically only used by that object.


If the Project Explorer is not visible when you open the Visual Basic editor, you can make it visible by selecting Project Explorer under the View menu.